
A Woman's Right to Choose

A Different Moses’ Perspective on Pro-Choice and Pro-Life

The Magi believe in Messiah’s teaching about politics; Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God the Ancient One what belongs to God. We believe that politics are the things that divide us and that politics belong to Caesar.

The Magi believe in the One God and that God by whatever name you invoke the One Creator is alive in the world today. Not only does God dwell in the Kingdom of God, but God speaks to us in a quiet still Voice deep with us, within that Kingdom. The living God speaks to us daily and is always there in the Kingdom awaiting our prayers to help guide our souls and decisions.

In any society based on religious freedom, a woman has the right to follow the Voice of God’s direction. A Magi woman of faith therefore has the absolute right to follow God’s direction in determining her path concerning her body and soul. No politician or church has the right to usurp God’s direction or God’s Voice speaking to that woman’s soul. Let me say that again. No politician or church clergy has the right to speak for God. God is alive and well and can speak very clearly in the Kingdom of God, to the soul within us.

The Messiah taught us; Judge not and we’ll not be judged, forgive and we will be forgiven. Are views of pro-life and pro-choice judgments? Are those views political platforms for Caesar? Does hatred and unforgiveness spring forth from them? We are all children of God and are directed to love one another.

Science reveals that our seen universe is made up of stardust. Have you not heard: ashes to ashes dust to dust? Our physical bodies are all made up of stardust. But what of our souls?...

Let us consider a different perspective from Moses.

On the First day God said; Let there be light: and there was light. The stars were created. On the Second day, the firmament was created. Yes, from those stars. Thus, stardust the firmament came into existence on the second day, with God’s creation.

Moses from Genesis: On the sixth day… God created man in God’s image, after our likeness:… not in God’s actual substance; but in God's image, both male and female God created them. These men and women were created before Adam and Eve. They too were made of stardust and no mention of souls was made by Moses. These were men and women without souls.

Please Note Moses tells us that Adam and Eve were created after the seventh day and were created quite differently.

After the seventh day, quoting Moses: And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

The Magi believe in the teaching of Moses; we become a living soul when life is breathed in through our nostrils, and not at conception when the dust of the ground combines, but a living soul is created at first breath through our nostrils. That living soul is made from invisible dark matter. The same dark matter that pervades our entire universe. And what connects the Soul to God who lives deep within us and speaks to us daily if we seek God in prayer? Invisible dark energy!Some might call it the Holy Spirit and it connects everything in our universe to the Living Creator, the One God!

At first breath, we become children of God, as God breaths our soul into us through our nostrils. At inception and fetal development, we are but still stardust from the ground. Stardust from the ground when combined in conception, doesn’t make a living soul.

A spiritual woman following the Voice and direction of her One God has the absolute right to choose to follow whatever direction God gives to her.

The Magi believe in the teaching of Moses, that the soul that distinguishes us as children of God, is created at birth, not conception, and we become a living soul when God breathes life into and through our nostrils; just as Moses describes.

The Magi believe that Moses would concur that a woman has the God-given right to follow the Voice of God… and should not be restricted by politicians or church philosophies that don’t believe in the teachings of Moses.

On a personal note to our women followers: We the Magi believe that if we judge not we will not be judged and if we forgive we will be forgiven. For those of you faced with a decision concerning this topic follow the Voice of God in whatever direction that might be. And for those of you who may have been tortured throughout the years, with past decisions, forgive yourself and judge not; seek the Voice always, and don’t let any politician or clergy speak for God to you.

And to our men followers out there: Men, it’s time for our comeuppance. Buy the book and find out what really happened in the Garden of Eden. In the Alternative Bible the Gift of the Magi Gospel we will further explore the invisible Dark Matter and Dark Energy that makes up 94% of our known universe. Moses shakes hands with Darwin…

This is Cary and I am the Magi!

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